DIG is Guralp Systems’ firmware for Minimus digitisers.
Finding the currently installed versionTo determine the current firmware, run Güralp's free Discovery software and find the entry for your digitiser on the main page. The firmware version is displayed, as highlighted below:
Instructions for upgrading Minimus digitisers can be found in Section 5.14 of the Minimus manual: MAN-MIN-0001.
Important notices
Limitations and known issues of SeedLink implementation in dig v1.0-1263 |
Details |
Backfill of a historical segment of samples is not supported Related: Backfill should always be requested by begin time. If backfill is requested by packet sequence number, then dig v1.0-1263 will just assume that 12 minutes of backfill is requested. |
Although the SeedLink server of dig v1.0-1263 only supports live streaming of samples, the first sample of every stream can come from (up to) 15 minutes ago. SeedLink clients can ask for live streaming of samples using SeedLink DATA commands with zero, one or two arguments. Backfill should always be requested by begin time. If backfill is requested by packet sequence number, then dig v1.0-1263 will just assume that 12 minutes of backfill is requested. SeedLink clients can also ask for live streaming of samples using SeedLink TIME commands with zero or one arguments. These SeedLink TIME commands are accepted. SeedLink clients can ask for a historical segment of samples using SeedLink TIME commands with two arguments. The second argument of these SeedLink TIME commands are ignored, so these SeedLink TIME commands are treated as if they were SeedLink TIME commands with only one argument. |
Dial-up mode is not supported | SeedLink FETCH commands are rejected. The SeedLink server of dig v1.0-1263 will only operate in “real-time” mode. |
The ‘!’ negation character in stream selectors is not supported | Negative stream selectors are rejected, i.e. only positive stream selectors are accepted. |
Leap seconds are not supported | |
SeedLink handshaking in uni-station mode is not supported | IRIS states that “almost all connections are negotiated as multi-station, even if only a single station is requested; uni-station mode, for most publicly accessible servers is deprecated.” (Iris SeedLink Overview). |
The seedlink_samples_streamer thread polls for new samples instead of being event-driven | This software pattern was fast to implement but subobtimal, especially with regards to latency. |
A SeedLink client can be rejected if it performs the SeedLink handshake in a very unusual order and if the system has more than 60 streams | This issue does not affect SeisGram2K, which performs the SeedLink handshake in the normal order. Also, this issue does not affect a Minimus+Fortis+single-Radian system, because such a system has less than 60 streams. |
[BUG] A buffer overflow can occur if the SeedLink client tries to select more than 559 streams | This can only happen when trying to fuzz test (or hack) the SeedLink server of dig v1.0-1263. |
For more information, first contact your local distributor or email .