Release Notes for dig
dig is Güralp Systems’ firmware for
Minimus and Minimus+ digitisers.
Finding the currently installed version
To determine the current firmware, run Güralp's free Discovery software
and find the entry for your digitiser on the main page. The firmware version
is displayed, as highlighted below:
If the firmware version is not displayed, select
from the
sub-menu of the menu:
Upgrade instructions
Instructions for upgrading Minimus and Minimus+ digitisers can be found in
Section 5.17 of the Minimus manual: MAN-MIN-0001.
Important notices
Limitations and known issues
of the SEEDlink server in dig v1.2 |
Details |
Backfill of a historical segment of samples is not supported - i.e. the
SEEDLink server in dig v1.2 only supports live
streaming of samples |
In addition to SEEDLink DATA commands, SEEDLink
clients can ask for live streaming of samples using SEEDLink
TIME commands with zero or one arguments.
However, because SEEDLink TIME commands with two
arguments are used to ask for a historical segment of samples, the second
argument of these SEEDLink TIME commands are always
ignored by the SEEDLink server in dig v1.2. In other
words, SEEDLink TIME commands with two arguments
are always treated as if they were SEEDLink TIME
commands with only one argument. |
Dial-up mode is not supported. |
SeedLink FETCH commands are always rejected. The SeedLink server of
dig v1.2 will only operate in “real-time” mode.
The ‘!’ negation character in stream selectors is not supported. |
Negative stream selectors are always rejected. The SEEDLink server in
dig v1.2 only accepts positive stream selectors.
Leap seconds are not supported. (There are currently no pending leap-seconds.) |
SeedLink handshaking in uni-station mode is not supported. |
IRIS states that “almost all connections are negotiated as multi-station,
even if only a single station is requested; uni-station mode, for most
publicly accessible servers is deprecated.”
(Iris SeedLink Overview).
Latency problems. |
The seedlink_samples_streamer thread polls for new
samples instead of being event-driven. This
software pattern
is subobtimal, especially with regards to latency, but it was much quicker
to implement as an initial version.
Change log
- 2019-11-25 : release 2.0-8154
- This is a major new release with significant new features, including:
- New Data calendar support with backfill from the SD card
- Support for the
Sonardyne™ acoustic modem
- Enhancements to the Earthquake early warning triggering system
- A redesigned Minimus webpage, including 2-stage log-in
- New Bluetooth mass lock and unlock commands
- Support for new products: Certimus and Aquarius
- A "beta" implementation of
Secure socket Funneling
Many system performance and stability enhancements are also included, as
well as a number of bug-fixes.
This release includes an upgrade of the boot-loader
so there is a small chance of serious problems if the upgrade process is
interrupted for any reason (although significant precautions have been
taken to minimise this risk). It is recommended that the upgrade only be
performed when the network and power-supply are both known to be stable.
For this reason, the upgrade dialogue in the Firmware Update section
of Discovery will offer the choice of whether to accept this upgrade or
not. Users wishing only to upgrade to the latest
release 1 build can, therefore, avoid this risk if desired.
- 2019-09-25 : release 1.2-8713
- This release contains the following change (in addition to the changes in the previous experimental release):
- Station code webpage field verification added.
- 2019-07-31 : release 1.2-8711 Experimental
- This release contains the following changes:
- Serial-to-TCP forwarding added.
- High-performance mode enhancements.
- Relay box serial port communication suppressed when analogue power board is in use.
- 2019-04-29 : release 1.2-8707
- This release contains the following change:
- Removed access to an SD file during system crash recovery, which
gave the impression that the system has frozen.
- 2019-04-23 : release 1.2-8706
- This release contains the following changes:
- Logging of a reboot after system crash suppressed.
- Radian enumeration freeze when rebooted while in Z/N/E channels calibration mode issue fixed.
- High-performance mode added to support long Radian strings.
- Radian calibration read failure is no longer causing system reboot - message to SD card log is written instead.
- Fortis loop web-page setting default value corrected.
- Default calibration VPC value for Minimus and Radian corrected.
- PTP status information added to status.txt (and logged in sd/status.log).
- Uptime information added to status webpage and status.txt file (and logged in sd/status.log).
- SeedLink data format setting added.
- 2019-01-15 : release 1.2-8702 Experimental
- This release contains the following changes:
- Fortis "open loop" setting default value corrected
- Default calibration VPC value for Minimus and Radian corrected
- PTP status information added to status.txt file and
sd/status.log file
- Uptime added to status webpage, status.txt file and sd/status.log file
- 2018-11-14 : release 1.2-8701 Experimental
- This release contains a single change:
- A "SeedLink Data Packet Format" setting has been introduced
- 2018-10-24 : release 1.2-8700
- This release contains the following important changes:
- Fix for a bug which could leave the Minimus unresponsive if it was not
rebooted after a system crash.
- The SD filesystem-layout version-number has been moved to a different
location so that SD cards can now be opened correctly in Windows 7.
Because of this change, a
full-format of the SD cards is recommended after installing this upgrade.
- A centring button (actually, one-second mode) is now displayed when the
sensor type is set to 40T.
- The Location and Channel codes for individual streams can now be edited
from both the Data Stream and Data Record tabs.
Because of this change, the
channel codes should be reprogrammed after installing this upgrade.
- 2018-09-12 : release 1.2-8622 Experimental
- This is an experimental version which has been released for field-testing. This version
has the following changes over 1.2-8615:
- QSCD 2D/3D PGA values corrected
[Experimental v1.2-8622].
- QSCD code can now be configured on a per-sensor basis (under "Network" tab)
[Experimental v1.2-8622].
- Causal channels of MEMS accelerometer seedName provided
[Experimental v1.2-8622].
- It is now possible to change channel names via the web page
[Experimental v1.2-8619].
- The "Station Code" is now editable on the "Setup" tab
[Experimental v1.2-8619].
- fix: Corrected the update of values of NVR variables with long names [Experimental v1.2-8618].
- 2018-08-14 : release 1.2-8617
- This version (previously classed as experimental but now upgraded to
stable) has three changes over 1.2-8615:
- Bug fix: Bluetooth device name not being set up correctly
[Experimental v1.2-8617].
- Bug fix: Webpage login issue when authentication could not be unset
[Experimental v1.2-8616].
- FPGA reprogramming with custom binary send over file exchange protocol functionality added
[Experimental v1.2-8616].
This release fixes a problem
which prevented some Minimus digitisers being seen in
For affected devices, please:
- Upgrade to 1.2-8617
- Run the commands
bluetooth erase
- Let the Minimus automatically update the bluetooth software
GüVü should now be able to see the Minimus.
- 2018-07-31 : release 1.2-8615
- This version has new functionality, performance improvements and numerous bug-fixes.
This release changes the
file-structure used on the SD cards. Please download any required
data, verify the download and then full-format both SD cards after
installing this update. The fixed SD card can be reformatted by
removing the removable card before initiating a full format.
- System configuration reset due to a range-check on DNS entry issue fixed.
- Output data chain information tool-tip extended by sensitivity values (on web page).
- SEED names of mass position channels coded with 'M' character.
- GDI connection handling changes to improve network latency adjustment.
- SeedLink low-latency functionality added.
- QSCD protocol implemented.
- Selective data download from SD card added.
- Event logging added.
- Bug fix: System cannot be rebooted remotely if configuration update is not finished.
- Bug fix: Bluetooth initialisation failing to detect BL600 module issue fixed. [Experimental version 1.2-8582]
- Bug fix: Wrong data tap attributes causing causal streams to not being recorded issue fixed. [Experimental version 1.2-8582]
- Bug fix: Datalink sensor reporting status "not listening 11" issue fixed. [Experimental version 1.2-8578]
- Bug fix: SD internal full format issue fixed. [Experimental version 1.2-8577]
- Bug fix: Settings reset after 3 crashes happening even if crashes are long time away from each other. [Experimental version 1.2-8577]
- Bug fix: Radian switching between velocity and acceleration issue fixed. [Experimental version 1.2-8577]
- Bug fix: RESP file empty pole/zero value when not a number issue fixed. [Experimental version 1.2-8577]
- Bug fix: RESP file wrongly displaying causal filter coefficients issue fixed. [Experimental version 1.2-8577]
- Bug fix: RESP file wrongly calculated causal filter delay fixed. [Experimental version 1.2-8577]
- 2018-07-24 : release 1.2-8613
Release 1.2-8613 has been withdrawn for technical
reasons. If you have downloaded but not yet installed this release,
please delete the downloaded copy and do not install. If you have
installed this release, please contact
for assistance.
- This version has new functionality, performance improvements and numerous bug-fixes:
- SeedLink low-latency functionality added.
- QSCD protocol implemented.
- Selective data download from SD card added.
- Event logging added.
- GDI connection handling changes to improve network latency adjustment.
- Bug fix: System cannot be rebooted remotely if configuration update is
not finished.
- Bug fix: Bluetooth initialisation failing to detect BL600 module issue
fixed. [Experimental version 1.2-8582]
- Bug fix: Wrong data tap attributes causing causal streams to not being
recorded issue fixed. [Experimental version 1.2-8582]
- Bug fix: Datalink sensor reporting status "not listening 11" issue fixed.
[Experimental version 1.2-8578]
- Bug fix: SD internal full format issue fixed. [Experimental version
- Bug fix: Settings reset after 3 crashes happening even if crashes are long
time away from each other. [Experimental version 1.2-8577]
- Bug fix: Radian switching between velocity and acceleration issue fixed.
[Experimental version 1.2-8577]
- Bug fix: RESP file empty pole/zero value when not a number issue fixed.
[Experimental version 1.2-8577]
- Bug fix: RESP file wrongly displaying causal filter coefficients issue
fixed. [Experimental version 1.2-8577]
- Bug fix: RESP file wrongly calculated causal filter delay fixed.
[Experimental version 1.2-8577]
- 2018-04-24 : release 1.2-8572
- This version has two urgent bug-fixes:
- A problem affecting calibration values for Radian instruments has been
fixed. Installing this firmware is essential for the correct operation of
the calibratiopn page editor in Discovery.
- A problem causing incorrect notifications about station moves has been fixed.
- 2018-04-12 : release 1.2-8566
- This version has two urgent bug-fixes:
- A problem which resulted in no data for channel *Z0 has been fixed.
- GDI streams now have correct channel units metadata.
- 2018-04-09 : release 1.2-8565
- This version has ten notable changes:
- Data Transforms have been introduced (including PGA/PGV/PGD calculation).
- The LED behaviour has changed: Rapid white blink (bootloader stage) ⇒ Solid white (OS initialisation) ⇒ Status mode (operational).
- Auxiliary files are now available on the "storage" webpage.
- Errors in DatalessSEED and RESP files have been corrected.
- SEED metadata is now generated only for seismic channels.
- A progress bar has been added for the "full-format" function for SD cards.
- A problem which caused corruption in SD files when multiple downloads were performed in the same time has been fixed.
- Download speeds for SD card files have been enhanced.
- HTTP ranges are now accepted for SD card files download.
- The status log has been renamed from system.log to status.log
- 2017-10-26 : release 1.1-1022
- This version has five notable changes:
- PTP support added.
- Time validation enhancements.
- Seedlink backfill handling improved - including configurable backfill buffer size.
- Internal data transfer procedure enhanced.
- System performance and stability improvements.
- 2017-08-24 : release 1.0-1271
- Five notable changes from dig v1.0-1263 to dig v1.0-1271:
- Minimus crash during remote console operations fixed.
- Several dataless SEED values corrected.
- Responder protocol extended by additional system state of health information.
- Manual relay control added to the "setup" webpage.
- Extra power saving when Minimus operates in "power save" mode.
- 2017-08-07 : release 1.0-1263
- Five notable changes from dig v1.0-1261 to dig v1.0-1263:
- Fixed a bug where streams received in SCREAM! can get behind in (or ahead of) time by 80ms.
- SeedLink backfill requests based on packet sequence number are no longer rejected. However, please refer to the list of known limitations under Important notices to see what happens when backfill is requested by packet sequence number.
- SeedLink backfill time increased to cover 15 minutes.
- Usable RAM size increased to 220MB for better system stability.
- System image file pre-allocation added to prevent Minimus crashing during system update (after a long run).
- 2017-07-25 : release 1.0-1261
- Seven notable changes from dig v0.80-22446 to dig v1.0-1261:
- Bluetooth module application update (v0.1.0), and Bluetooth reliability improved.
- SD card logging.
- Triggering functionality extended.
- Every Minimus can now control (via the RS-232 signals of its Analogue connector) up to five ASE-OBS-x043 power supply boards, or one 8-channel I/O expander module.
- Many other improvements in system stability.
- Users can now execute the FPGA firmware update process via the “Setup” web page.
- Secondary Data Record taps are now available for a few decimation chains.
- 2017-05-02 : release 0.80-22446
- One notable change from dig v0.80-22445 to dig v0.80-22446:
- Normal response for Radian sensors defaulted to 80 seconds, and FPGA integrator rescaled.
- 2017-04-27 : release 0.80-22445
- Five notable changes from dig v0.80-21461 to dig v0.80-22445:
- MiniSEED files on microSD cards can now be downloaded from the new Storage web page.
- The fourth analogue sensor input – the X channel – is now visible.
- New feature – GDI auto-connections to remote hosts.
- The new “fastspi” datalink protocol has been implemented and is enabled by default – FPGA firmware version 3.11 or newer must be used with this dig release.
- The built-in copy of the FPGA firmware file has been upgraded to v3.11.
- 2017-03-17 : release 0.80-21461
- Eight notable changes from dig v0.80-18652 to dig v0.80-21461:
- More stable and robust Bluetooth connections – GüVü version 1.3 or older might fail to communicate with this dig release, because the Bluetooth protocol has changed.
- Feature: “temperature training”.
- Feature: “power save”.
- The U-Boot bootloader associated with this dig release has been updated to v2017.03-1, to fix the intermittent Ethernet TX timeout failures.
- More stable and robust GDI connections.
- Stability and speed improvements to “System Update”.
- Send and receive timeouts for sockets now work – lightweight IP in dig has been updated to v2.0.1.
- Very many other bugs have been fixed.
- 2017-01-16 : release 0.80-18652
- One notable change from dig v0.80-18650 to dig v0.80-18652:
- The U-Boot bootloader associated with this dig release has been updated to v2017.01-1, to fix the intermittent initialization failures of external microSD cards.
- 2017-01-09 : release 0.80-18651
- One notable change from dig v0.80-18650 to dig v0.80-18651:
- A bug with calvals.txt link not working was fixed.
- 2016-12-09 : release 0.80-18650
- Three notable changes from dig v0.80-18500 to dig v0.80-18650:
- Low-latency filter coefficients improved.
- A few typos, wording inconsistencies and formatting inconsistencies have been fixed in RESP files.
- The network code in the dataless SEED file is no longer hardcoded to GU.
- 2016-11-28 : release 0.80-18500
- One notable change from dig v0.80-18480 to dig v0.80-18500:
- Prevent dig from crashing whenever users click on the
button in the Data Flow web page.
- 2016-11-25? : release 0.80-18480
- One notable change from dig v0.80-18409 to dig v0.80-18480:
- The built-in copy of the FPGA firmware file has been downgraded from v2.10 to v2.1, because FPGAs running firmware v2.10 do not lock/sync their main clock correctly.
- 2016-11-21 : release 0.80.18409
- With dig v0.80-18409:
- Minimuses should no longer encounter the “stuck at RomBOOT” issue.
- The Minimus’ status.txt file is now sent to Seedlink clients every 5 minutes by default, via the new SeedLink SOH channel.
- SEED locations are now configurable, as requested by OGS.
- 2016-07-22 : release 0.80-13366
- First public release.
For more information, first contact your
local distributor
or email .