GCF2MSD is a command line utility for converting GCF data to MiniSEED format.
GCF2MSD v1.9 for Windows (215 kB .zip)
This windows binary uses the QT runtime DLL file qtintf70.dll. This is normally installed with Scream but, if it is not installed on your system, you will receive an error message when you try to run this software. You can download this DLL from here. It should be placed either in the same directory as the program or in the system32 directory.or
GCF2MSD v1.9 for Linux (94 kB .gz)
This linux binary needs access to the Qt runtime library (a 2.4 M .gz), either in your normal library path or in the current directory. If the library cannot be loaded, the following error is displayed:
Runtime error 230 at 080677E9 Segmentation fault (core dumped)This 32-bit linux software runs on 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. To install it on a 64-bit Linux platform, please follow these instructions to install the relevant libraries.
To get a list of the options, run the gcf2msd program without any parameters. The following text is displayed:
You can use wildcards in the file-name, so gcf2msd *.gcf will convert every .gcf file in the current directory. The name of the converted file will be the same as the gcf file name, with the extension changed to .msd.
If the GCF file contains gaps, GCF2MSD will end the current miniSEED block and start a new one for the later data. The new block will be time stamped with the time of the first sample after the gap. GCF2MSD will print out a warning message if this occurs.
If the GCF file contains data out of time sequence, i.e. GCF2MSD encounters data with a timestamp earlier than the latest so far received, the data will be discarded.
Because of this, back-filling filing modes (such as the DM24′s ADAPTIVE mode) will only work as expected if the data are put in order before being saved as a GCF file. This can be done in Scream! using a suitably large stream buffer.
You can configure Scream! to run GCF2MSD automatically on GCF files it produces, by setting it as a post-processor. Although Scream! can output miniSEED files, it will not output in multiple formats simultaneously, so using GCF2MSD as a post-processor will save you running two copies of Scream!.
To set a post-processor, open the Files tab of Scream!’s Setup window, and enter the full path of the GCF2MSD program file in the Post-Processor box. Click OK to save the setting.
Supplying a directory after /o will make GCF2MSD place all converted files into the specified directory. For example, running
will place the converted files in C:\Users\me\SEED_data.
By default, Scream! derives the MiniSEED header information from the System ID and Stream ID of the digitiser, together with information about the stream.
Options are provided which allow you to change this behaviour:
To specify a Network Code, supply two characters after /net in the command line.
To make GCF2MSD use the System ID of the digitiser instead of the serial number for the Station Code, include the /sys option.
For more advanced options, prepare an INI file with the line [EXPORTINFO]followed by channel descriptions in one of the following formats:
where SYSTID is the System ID, STREAM is the Stream ID, SERN is the serial number, SSS is the desired station name, CCC the channel code, NN is the 2-character network code, and LL the location code.
If you use a SYSID-SERN line, Scream! will apply it to all streams from the digitiser with that serial number, filling in the channel code automatically.
If you use a SYSID line, Scream! will apply it to all streams from any digitiser with that System ID, filling in the channel code automatically and taking the Station Name from the digitiser's serial number.
If you miss out a specification, Scream! will fill in the default value. The loc: specification is optional.
When you are happy, run GCF2MSD with the option /i:ini-file where ini-file is the name of the file you have prepared.
For more information, first contact your local distributor or email .